During their visit to Jordan early October 2019, the Coventry University team met Jordanian students newly qualified to become E-Tutors.
Dr. Katherine Wimpenny, Dr. Alun DeWinter, and Dr. Arinola Adefila organised on 08-10 September 2019 three focus groups and one individual meeting with Jordanian students (PSUT, GJU, and JUST) who attended the Qualification of E-Tutors at Technische Universität Dresden in September 2019.
The goal of these research activities was to collect in-depth qualitative data to evaluate the experience of the new E-Tutors, their perceived skills development, and their motivation and readiness to support local academics and peers in Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) projects.
The collected data is being analysed by the CU team and the results will be communicated in a separate report and taken into consideration to enhance the E-Tutors qualification program and future project activities.
These testimonials give an impression of the students’ experience in the E-Tutors qualification
A blog post related to the visit can be consulted here.