The objective of the project JOVITAL is to foster interactive and flexible learning and teaching practices and international exchange using modern technologies.
The Chair of Information Management at the Technische Universität Dresden in Germany is the coordinator of the project JOVITAL and has a long experience in integrating students from universities abroad in its regular study program using the “Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL)” method.
Within the activities of work package 2, a first pilot VCL found place in the Summer Term 2018 with the participation of 36 Masters Students from TUD, 6 Masters Students from PSUT, and 7 qualified e-Tuotrs. They attended the kick-off meeting (broadcasted per video conference) at their respective university on 16.04.2018 and worked together in seven interdisciplinary groups on analyzing intercultural communication in corporate and create a critical incident for a fictive staff training program.
Sucessfull participants from PSUT will receive the certification on the project meeting on 25.09.2018 in Amman and will be invited to attend the upcoming e-Tutor qualification Summer School in Dresden-Germany.