On October 03-05, 2019 the second academic staff training on VCL found place at Princess Sumaya University for Technology in Amman.
The training delivered by Alexander Clauss, Florian Lenk, and Dr. Wissam Tawileh contained a review of learning theories, methods and importance of active learning, the development and modern approaches of technology-enhanced learning, and an introduction to Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL).
In addition to academic staff members from the five Jordanian JOVITAL member universities, the Education Associate of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Jordan and six academics from four Jordanian universities, not in the project consortium, attended the training: Al al-Bayt University, Al-Balqa` Applied University, Mutah University, and Luminus Technical University College.
This rich participation will ensure a wide dissemination of the project results and initiate a sustainable nationwide knowledge exchange and academic collaboration network.