JOVITAL presented to Partner universities of the MED2IaH project

The MED2IaH project, Mediterranean countries towards Internationalization at home, coordinated by the Euro-Mediterranean University (Slovenia) is now implementing a capacity building action engaging the 12 Partner Countries Universities (from Morocco, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan and Lebanon) in a number of online w

MiniTool Power Data Recovery Crack With Serial Key webinar had an average duration of 1 hour and engaged faculty and senior management members, covering key IaH topics, such as: 1. Internationalisation of formal curriculum; 2. Global skills development in local contexts; 3. Virtual mobility; 4. Campus diversity and intercultural engagement. 

In the framework of the third webinar on Virtual Mobility, a session has been dedicated to Implementing Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) as an affordable inclusive Virtual Mobility instrument to overcome the social distance challenge and the JOVITAL experience has been presented to almost 300 participants online by the project Coordinator, Technische Universität
Dresden, Germany, in the persons of Prof. Dr. Eric Schoop and Dr. Wissam Tawileh.

The full programme is available here: Programme.

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