Learning Spaces: VITAL-Hub, VILLAs, Mobile-VILLA

Jordanian Virtual Innovative Teaching And Learning Hub (VITAL-Hub)

A permanent national contact point for capacity building and know-how transfer through regular awareness raising events, train the trainer (TTT) programme, and maintenance of the implemented staff training platform as a Virtual Community of Practice. The “Virtual Innovative Teaching And Learning Hub (VITAL-Hub)” will be established at PSUT and will be used for students’ virtual learning activities, teaching staff training and consultation, awareness events and workshops, and as a centre for cooperation between local universities, NGOs and CSOs, public authorities, and SMEs in private sector for continuous improvement of higher educational teaching and learning.

Virtual Innovative Learning Labs (VILLAs)

Offer teaching staff and students at each participating HEIs a proper access to modern educational technologies and international collaborative learning environments. A “Virtual Innovative Learning LAb (VILLA)” will be established at each participating Jordanian HEIs and connected to the VITAL-Hub to build-up a national network of ICT-based learning environments for common academic courses and projects.

Mobile Virtual Innovative Learning Labs (Mobile-VILLAs)

A multipliable flexible instrument to ensure nationwide outreach and effective inclusion of marginalised areas and learner groups and offer them an authentic collaborative learning experience and integrate refugees in Jordanian higher education.

Ativador Office 2016
