This activity comprises “pedagogical and didactical development and training” and it is led by the Technische Universität Dresden.
It includes the core development and implementation activities of the planned capacity building programme. Virtual Collaborative Learning (VCL) will be introduced as a modern academic practice to increase students’ engagement and enhance teaching and learning based on constructivist and connectivist methodologies.
Training materials for academic staff will be didactically developed, localised, and delivered in a Blended Learning arrangement. Two university courses will be selected for curriculum and pilot implementation. The responsible teaching staff (up to 12 participants) will attend the first training workshop in Germany in summer 2018.
Two pilot VCL course will be offered in the academic year 2018/2019, one for Bachelor students separately in each university and the other as a common national course for Master’s students from all participating Jordanian universities.
Five further staff training courses will be delivered to qualify up to 60 participants.
An international VCL course will be designed by Jordanian teaching staff and it will be offered to Master’s students from participating HEIs in Jordan and the EU in the academic year 2019/2020.
Didactical Design Patterns will be developed as a guideline for replicating the design and implementation of VCL courses by other teaching staff.
Observation visits to EU partners institutions
As part of the Pedagogical and didactical development and training component of the project, Jordanian partners conduct observation visits to EU partner institutions, to observe the teaching practices and technology implementation at the EU partner ir institution.
The aim of the visits is for Jordanian partners to acquire first hand skills in designing authentic didactical case-studies and effective problem-based learning assignments to be solved in an ICT-based collaborative learning environment and foster critical thinking and teamwork among their students.
- April 25-27, 2018: Observation Visit to TU Dresden
- September 2-6, 2019: Observation visit to Coventry University
Training of Trainers
- Amman, 6-8 December 2018: Academic Staff Training on VCL
- Staff Training Workshops